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Record demand for support to the local energy transition

With 263 applicants for the 6th call of the European City Facility, local governments from across Europe are proving their commitment to the clean energy transition has never been stronger.

The number of applications is the highest number recorded in the history of the European City Facility which stretches back five calls, supporting more than 250 beneficiaries developing financing models for local clean energy and energy efficiency actions.

75 of the 263 applicants will be chosen and each receive EUR 60,000 to develop their investment concepts for renewable energy or energy efficiency projects.

The EUCF grant is not intended to directly finance implementation but rather serves to access services and develop investment concepts for climate and energy actions.

The result of the 6th call is planned to be communicated to the winning applicants in May and will become available on the EUCF website following the completion of agreements.

One more call is still planned in this period of the EUCF, providing funding for at least 69 additional applicants. Stay informed by signing up for the 'Call Alert' to receive updates.

Regional split of applicants

RegionApplicantsTo be selected
Northern Countries and Western Europe7019
Central and Eastern Europe9330
Southern Europe10026

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