A visual saying the 6th EUCF Call closed on 15 March 2024

New Funding Opportunity: 75 Local Governments Will Receive €60,000 to Plan Clean Energy Actions

The European City Facility has opened a new funding opportunity for up to 75 municipalities or local authorities, their groupings and local public entities aggregating municipalities / local authorities. This funding is designed to support clean energy and energy efficiency projects, offering simple lump-sum grants of €60,000 each.

Funded by the European Union's LIFE Programme, this latest call is open for applicants across the EU, Ukraine, and Iceland. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2024 (17:00 CET) and an online info-session is happening on 22 January (14:00 CET).

The beneficiaries of this grant will be enabled to develop investment concepts to support their sustainable energy and climate plans.

In the past, recipients have utilised these funds for a diverse range of activities, such as technical evaluations, market research, and various planning and analytical tasks, all within the context of clean energy and energy efficiency. However, applicants have the discretion to propose specific actions, as long as they fall within the stipulated themes.


How to Apply

The application process is streamlined and similar to previous calls. Applicants are required to demonstrate political support, an ambition for investment size, realistic projections of energy-related impacts, and plans for governance and stakeholder engagement. These criteria are in line with those generally expected for accessing public or private funds.

The European City Facility also offers extensive support through a National Support system, available in the eligible countries. This includes informational sessions, hands-on guidance, and feedback in local languages.

In addition to funding, successful applicants will receive capacity building, matchmaking services, and access to specialised financing tools from the European City Facility. These are all aimed at bringing project ideas closer to realisation through either private or public funding sources.

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