Saint Bartholomew church in Szczekociny, Poland

Image by Przykuta


The City of Szczekociny, together with its residents, is strongly committed to the energy transition and combating climate change, so working on the EUCF Investment concept grant fits in with the long-term goals of their community. 

A city banner on red background with a golden sword.


The local government has invited residents, local micro-entrepreneurs, small entrepreneurs, housing cooperatives, social cooperatives and other non-governmental organizations (e.g.: Volunteer Fire Brigade) to cooperate within the Szczekociny energy cluster. Together they want to turn the municipality from an agro-industrial one to an innovative and climate-neutral one by 2035. Therefore, within the framework of the investment concept, Szczekociny is analysing and rethinking their entire community, including public buildings in particular. 

In addition, work is envisioned on generating electricity locally for the benefit of citizens and the local development plan sees investors as important to deliver on their goals. Other things considered include cooperative investment, which is supported by a thorough technical, financial and legal analysis, which is part of the investment concept. P

Potential also exists for an energy storage facility and charging stations for electric vehicles supporting e-mobility.

Expected Impacts

€33.3 Million


22.4 GWh/y

Energy savings

25 Tonnes

CO2 equivalent reductions / yearly

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