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Call 1

The first call of the European City Facility took place in the fall of 2020 and attracted more than 200 applicants

About the call

The first call for applications to the European City Facility ran from May 25th to October 2nd, 2020. During this period, 257 applications from local authorities across Europe was received, indicating a wide interest in developing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The distribution of applications was as follows: 48% from Southern Europe, 28% from Central and Eastern Europe, and 26% from Nordic countries and Western Europe.

Out of these applications, 30 beneficiaries were selected to receive funding from a total budget of €1.8 million. This funding supports the preparation of investment concepts aimed at improving energy sustainability within these municipalities, aligning with the EU's goals for energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energy sources.

This call was funded by Horizon 2020. 


Expected Impacts







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# Project Deliverable

Find here materials produced specifically for running the first version of the European City Facility. 

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# Video, # Resource

The European City Facility was invited to speak at the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum in 2023. 

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# Presentations

presentation from the EU Regions Week workshop 'Financing the local energy transition - from plan to reality' with participation from the two EUCF benefi...

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# Progress Report

This document briefs on the first EUCF call outcomes and presents key information on the first call application and evaluation phases. 

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